Happy Halloween from Lemont Family Dental

October has finally arrived for Lemont Family Dental and Dr. Splitt and her team can’t wait to get into the Halloween spirit. They get festive by decorating the office with tasteful and artful Halloween decor. For the week of Halloween, the staff will wear some pretty spooktacular t-shirts, so be on the lookout for those. 

Even though we care deeply about dental hygiene, it’s always good to indulge (a little) in some delicious candy. The team loves Kit Kats, Snickers, Butterfingers, and caramel. What are some of your favorite Halloween treats? 

In addition to the costumes, the candy, and the decor, there are so many great movies, too. We like to keep it silly pretty much every time of year, and our favorite movie to watch to ring in Halloween is HalloweenTown. Does HalloweenTown make anyone else nostalgic? 

A funny story from a Halloween gone by is when we accidentally left a candle on overnight, and when we got back into the office (it was still a little dark outside), we saw shadows in the waiting room and thought we had a burglar. So scary! 

An activity Dr. Splitt loves doing this time of year is going for a walk at night with her dogs and seeing all the creative decorations. She also loves to go to local haunted houses with friends.

A memorable costume Dr. Splitt made herself was Bjork’s infamous swan gown. It included feather boas made into a skirt, a clay swan head, and some crystals. Dr. Splitt’s first costume was a pumpkin outfit her mom made, stuffed with newspapers. This year, Dr. Splitt will dress up her dogs and answer the door to all the cute trick-or-treaters. 

Next time you’re in our office please share with us photos of how you celebrate Halloween;  any unique decorations or costumes we would love to see. Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone!